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=^..^=  MCATS  =^..^=
Maine Coon Breeder Database

Maine Coon Breederlist, Pics from older Maine Coons, Health testing results ... and more ! We are happy about every new entrie.

Maine Coon Breederlist
271 entries | 2 new | view | search | add
Here you can find many information about Maine Coons breeders from all the world.
Maine Coon Available
15 entries | 4 new | view | search | add
Here you can find Maine Coon Kitten and Neuters that are searching for a new home.

Pictures from older Maine Coons
188 entries | 0 new | view | search | add
In this list we want to show photos from Maine Coon cats over the age of 10 years.
Maine Coon Photogallery
908 entries | 0 new | view | add
Here breeders can add Photos from their Maine Coon Cats to their breeder entrie or the published health results.


Health-Database for all cat breeds
HCM, PKD, HD, Patella and DNA-Tests from all cat breeds are published here.
Heartscreening (HCM) 2314 entries | 5 new | view | search
Kidneyscreening (PKD) 827 entries | 1 new | view | search
Hip-Xray (HD) 468 entries | 1 new | view | search
Patella (PL) 215 entries | 0 new | view | search
DNA-Tests (DNA) 4663 entries | 0 new | view | search
Cardiologists | Order DNA-Test
